Citron Leaves Chutney Powder
You might be familiar with pickles made from Citron fruits, familiarly known as Narthangai in Tamil, Neembu in Hindi. If pickles are not your favourite, don't say no to nutrient-rich Citron.
Add the 0% preservative, homemade, unique 'Agara Citron Leaves Chutney Powder' to your meals and Bon Appetit.
As the Introducers of Citron Leaves Chutney Powder to the market, team of Agara Foods thank you for choosing this healthy addition to your daily food
- An Agara Foods Exclusive Product; Only available from Agara Foods
- Has numerous health benefits of Citron Leaves like Better Digestion, Fighting Cancer etc.
Goes well with any dish viz. Plain Rice, Dosa, Chapatti, Khichdi, Idli, Poori, Curd Rice, Sambar Rice etc.
Can be consumed alone with any meals; without adding edible oil.
No Added Preservatives / Colours
A perfect 100% Natural Homemade Digestive Aid in the form of Chutney Powder
- Free of Garlic & Onion